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One-piece asymmetrical lady swimsuit Quetzal Chiffon

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Acapulco girl swimsuit

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One-piece asymmetrical lady swimsuit Quetzal Chiffon

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Swim into love

The day of love and friendship is just around the corner and it's a good time to spread the love, but don't forget to start with the most important person in your life: YOU!

 Whether you are in a relationship, on your own, or in the process of getting over your ex, don't worry, you can still have an extraordinary day. You can show yourself or your better half a little love by treating yourself to a much-needed day at the beach or pool.

And it's easier than you think! Here we share five easy steps to spend a day in 10:

  1.  Choose a killer swimsuit that makes you feel confident and fabulous. (Don't forget that when you buy your suit you can get the one for your "worst is nothing" at a 50% discount!)
  2. Do not forget your sunglasses, a good book and especially your sunscreen; because taking care of your skin is also a great show of self-love.
  3. Find the perfect place to throw in the towel and soak up the sun. Download your best playlist or the podcast of your choice!
  4. Full belly and happy heart, so don't forget to bring some good drinks and something tasty to eat. Don't miss out!
  5. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, enjoy the moment and thank your body for everything it does for you. You deserve it!

It wasn't that difficult. And the best thing is that you can share your towel with whoever you want!

So go ahead and show and show yourself some love this Valentine's Day. There you tell us on Instagram how it went and share your best outfit from Playa Bendita.

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